News– archive –
Business Day in South African newspaper published a piece of news regarding “Pilot Survey for Disseminating Small and Medium Enterprise Technologies for Recycling Waste Plastic to Fuel towards Waste Management”.
Business Day in South African newspaper published a piece of news regarding "Pilot Survey for Disseminating Small and Medium Enterprise Technologies for Recycling Waste Plastic to Fuel towards Waste Management”. -
the South African news website “Buisiness Day BDLIVE”.
An article concerning the agreement signed between CFP Corporation and the city of Capetown for "Pilot Survey for Disseminating Small and Medium Enterprise Technologies for Recycling Waste Plastic to Fuel towards Waste Management” has be... -
Report on the pilot survey contract for the disseminating Small and Medium Enterprise(SME’s)echnologies for Recycling Waste Plastic to Fuel towards Sustainable Waste Management in Cape town, Republic of South Africa
Report on the pilot survey contract for the disseminating Small and Medium Enterprise(SME's)echnologies for Recycling Waste Plastic to Fuel towards Sustainable Waste Management in Cape town, Republic of South Africa. -
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year
[年末年始休業のお知らせ]誠に勝手ながら12月28日から1月3日まで休業いたします。 期間中のお問合せは1月4日以降に対応させていただきます。 来年もご愛顧をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。[公告 - 新年假期]我司于12月28日-1月3日期间放新年长假。 期间... -
Announcement of our exhibit for African Fair 2013
We hope you and your company doing well during this beautiful spring. Recycle Energy Co., Ltd. (CFP Group) will have our booth at “African Fair 2013”, which is relevant event of the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African De... -
RECYCLE ENERGY CO., LTD. Increase capital up to 40 million Japanese Yen from 20 million Japanese Yen.
RECYCLE ENERGY CO., LTD. Increase capital up to 40 million Japanese Yen from 20 million Japanese Yen. -
【NOTIFICATION】We have started the operation of Chubu Factory.
【NOTIFICATION】We have started the operation of Chubu Factory. -
Announcement of our exhibit for N-EXPO 2013 TOKYO
We hope this letter finds you and your company doing well during this beautiful spring. Recycle Energy Co., Ltd. (CFP Group) will have our booth at the N-EXPO 2013 Tokyo, which is held from May 21st (Tue.) to May 24th (Fri.) at Tokyo Big... -
Announcement of our exhibit for African Fair 2013
We hope you and your company doing well during this beautiful spring. Recycle Energy Co., Ltd. (CFP Group) will have our booth at “African Fair 2013”, which is relevant event of the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Developme...